Minutes: 23 October 2021

Saturday, October 23rd 2021 The business meeting was held at the Goshen VFW Post – 985, 1201 W. Pike St, Goshen Ind. The meeting started at 3 PM and the […]
August 23, 2021

Saturday, October 23rd 2021

The business meeting was held at the Goshen VFW Post – 985, 1201 W. Pike St, Goshen Ind. The meeting started at 3 PM and the meeting was opened in due form by President K Holmes.

President K Holmes gave the opening prayer.

President K Holmes declared the business session open.

  1. Roll call of Officers: Completed by Secretary Jeff Schrock.
  2. Reading of Membership Applications: None
  3. Reading of the minutes: Secretary J Schrock read (emailed) the minutes from the last meeting, and asked if there were any corrections or amendments. Seeing none Media Coordinator L Zeugner made a motion to accept the minutes as read. E. Dir S Holmes seconded the motion and the motion passed.
  4. Treasurers Report: A O’Toole made the Treasurer’s report. Currently FS has (redacted) in both accounts. H/R Dir J Schrock made a motion to accept the report, subject to audit. Media Coordinator L Zeugner seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
  5. Bills: A O’Toole reported that there were no bills since our last meeting. H/R Dir J Schrock made a motion to accept the report. Media Coordinator L Zeugner seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

Unfinished Business: 1) President K Holmes brought up the fundraiser/benefit Dinner. Tresurer A O’Toole said we had brought in $4,300 +/- for the dinner (profit). (See New Business for additional info for next year’s fundraiser) 2) President K Holmes told the BoD that he had sent in the grant application to Gross Nickle. This is now a pending item. 3) President K Holmes brought up the marketing budget for the Martial Arts Program. The thought was to re-brand the program. Operation Veteran Relief doesn’t really describe the program. He asked for thoughts on the subject, and asked the BoD to come up with a new name(s) to be considered. 4) President K Holmes then asked the group for their input on Media buys – where and how to spend money on advertising. PSA’s was the first thought, as they are free to our organization. Sending out a Press Release to radio, TV and newspapers was a thought. All the TV and radio stations have a “Community Calendar”, that they post and announce. Media Coord L Zeugner suggested we call the various TV, radio and newspapers to get their “rate card”; which shows prices – adding that we are a non-profit and get those prices. 5) A O’Toole brought up the Bike Program. There is currently a mountain bike program that we could piggy-back on, but it not veteran centric. They currently meet on Monday’s at 9 AM. A lengthy discussion ensued as to several options. Saturday’s at 9 AM, at Bonneville Park; doing a press release advertising the program to see who exactly would be interested (being veteran centric). Various days, times and places. Contacting one (1) or more of the bicycle stores to see if we could get a good bike donated – or the price cut drastically. This would be donated to a needy vet to use. It was thought that posting/advertising a projected date/time frame would be best. The BoD was hopeful that the beginning of March would be decent weather – pending the weather at the time. It could be pushed back until April if needed.

New Business: 1) President K Holmes brought up the Martial Arts program. 2) President K Holmes announced that Get Wet with a Vet has made the pledge to donate $1,000 to FSO. The date is pending, but it will most likely be on a Friday in December. It will be at the Eagles in South Bend Ind, at a dinner. He will be unable to accept the check on behalf of FSO, so he asked for a volunteer. During the discussion, it was decided that most of the BoD (for FSO) would attend if possible. Also, that Media Coordinator L Zeugner would try to attend also, to take photos of the event. This was made as a motion by Media Coordinator L Zeugner. H/R Dir J Schrock seconded the motion, and the motion passed. 3) President K Holmes asked the group for their thoughts about paying an instructor for the Martial Arts Program, only as an interim until he can teach again. He will be in rehab until at least January, from his shoulder surgery. Solomon was suggested, as he has the same teaching style in the same martial arts style. A discussion then ensued as what would be the best day of the week for the class. A new location was also discussed. Eastlake in Elkhart was suggested, to check with either Jason or Jeff to see if we could move there. A O’Toole had another possibility, and would look into it. 4) Media Coord L Zeugner brought up next years elections. During the discussion that followed, it was decided that each officer wanted to retain their position. President K Holmes opened the nominations for each office (in turn), and then closed each office (in turn) by announcing it three (3) times and three (3) raps of the gavel. During which time, each office had a nominee and that nominee accepted the nomination/office. Secretary J Schrock made a motion to cast one (1) ballot for each non-contested office. E Dir S Holmes seconded the motion, and the motion passed. The formal process was simply not typed out to save space in the minutes. 5) President K Holmes brought up next years fundraising dinner. Several items were brought up. The main item – focus for the fundraising dinner would be the Bike Program, and the marketing would reflect this. The theme of “Remember Gala” was suggested. It was thought that keeping the event between Memorial Day and D-Day would keep the focus of our event on our vets. We would continue to use Tony Allberry for the food. Marketing for the event – was tabled at this point. The venue would continue to be the Goshen VFW. High Gravity would be contacted again, in the near future, to lock them in as the event’s primary entertainment. Marcus Clingaman would be asked to provide light dinner music. Lippert Components would be contacted for volunteers, and they would receive a free/complementary dinner. The BoD would not be so heavily tasked next year – as several volunteer’s did not show up this year. LCI would be doing most of the labor. Scott McKeekan would be Emcee again too. We would advertise we had a “very limited supply” of tickets at the door. We should number the tables, handing out the items sold was difficult last year. People had to go to each table and ask if they were the ones who purchased the items. 6) E Dir S Holmes brought up starting up a Cardio Drumming Class. Could we have it at the VFW, and interest in the group. It was suggested that the VFW could probably host it, donating the hall; however, if the hall was donated to us, anyone coming in and paying to rent the hall would have priority over us.

Good of the Order: President K Holmes 1) Asked Secretary J Schrock about the weapon that was raffled off at the fundraising dinner. J Schrock told the BoD that the person who had won the drawing was very happy, and has already picked the weapon up (Smith & Wesson 9mm) at the gun store – and filed all appropriate paperwork and clearance thru them. 2) H/R Dir J Schrock brought up the bottlecap program. How is everybody doing, collecting the caps, how much weight do we currently have and does anybody need a box(es) for storage? At the end of the meeting, he handed out large cardboard boxes to the group. During the discussion, exactly where the caps need to be sent to caused confusion. In checking, Elkhart County Greenfair is accepting them. 3) E Dir S Holmes brought up having a monthly glass etching. We could do this for several months, and not taking an entire day out of everybody’s schedule. Dates and times to be announced via email.

Next Meeting: Saturday, 20 Nov, 3 PM, at the Goshen VFW. Following meeting would be: 18 Dec, 5 PM, at Heinies for our annual Christmas Dinner.

President K Holmes asked if there was any further business. Seeing none, H/R Dir J Schrock made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Media Coordinator L Zeugner seconded the motion. The motion passed.

President K Holmes gave the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned.

J Schrock


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