Minutes: November 24th, 2015

Freedom System Inc. Tuesday, November 24th, 2015 The location of the meeting was at Rulli’s 54595 CR-17, Elkhart Ind. The meeting was called to order in due form by CEO/President […]
November 24, 2015

Freedom System Inc.

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

The location of the meeting was at Rulli’s 54595 CR-17, Elkhart Ind.

The meeting was called to order in due form by CEO/President Kenny Holmes.

Chaplain Kenny Holmes gave the opening prayer.

CEO/President Kenny Holmes declared the business session open.

Roll call of officers:  Completed by Secretary Schrock.

Reading of Membership Applications:  None

Reading of Minutes: Josh Elliott made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting and Brandy Elliott seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Treasurers Report/Bills: Brandy Elliott reported that since we just got our letters of incorporation, she has not had time to open a bank account yet; thus there is no cash to report at this time. Jeff Schrock made a motion to accept the report subject to audit and it was seconded by Josh Elliott. The motion passed.

Reports of Committees:  No Report(s)

Unfinished Business:  None

Old Business:  None

New Business: Jeff Schrock brought up needing money to open a bank account. A lengthy discussion ensued. It was decided that each household in the Corporation would give $100 (one-hundred dollars) to Freedom System Inc to open a bank account. The only deviation would be for the Schrock household, which would give $200 (two hundred dollars). Upon receipts of money into the bank account from future donations; each household would get their money back. Jeff Schrock made the motion and Josh Elliott seconded the motion. Under discussion, the motion was tabled so a full Board of Directors could be convened and voted on at a later date.

Good of the Order: 1) Kenny Holmes suggested that Jeff Schrock have administrator rights to the Freedom System Inc & Facebook Pages. This is so he could post articles and other pertinent information on both web pages. Josh Elliott made a motion to add Jeff as an administrator on both web pages and Brandy Elliott seconded it. The motion passed. 2) Secretary Schrock passed around the Board of Directors Roster and asked everyone to complete their information on it. Once that was done, he assured the members present a copy would be emailed to them for their use. 3) CEO/President Kenny Holmes asked Secretary Schrock to add into the minutes that a copy of the documents of incorporation is sent to Secretary Schrock for administrative records. 4) CEO/President Kenny Holmes added that at the next Military Stand Down meeting, there would be a discussion about having a musical festival at the MSD event in June. 5) CEO/President Kenny Holmes suggested a meeting for the board in January. During the discussion, it was decided that it should be Tuesday, January 19th at 7 PM at the same location. 6) CEO/President Kenny Holmes brought up a company email for everybody. Secretary Schrock didn’t have one yet. Jeff will be added to the company email system, which can be accessed by using the website/address of: FreedomSystem.org/webmail; after which, a login and password can be entered to access the company email.

CEO/President Kenny Holmes asked if there was any further business. Seeing none, Josh Elliott made a motion to adjourn and Brandy Elliott seconded it. The motion passed. The meeting was closed in due form by CEO/President Kenny Holmes.

Secretary Schrock

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