Building from Scratch

The aggressive review of how many Veterans take a stance on life is common; especially for Combat Veterans. Our goals are easy and easily defined with, sometimes, one-word verbs. Conveying […]
May 4, 2021

The aggressive review of how many Veterans take a stance on life is common; especially for Combat Veterans. Our goals are easy and easily defined with, sometimes, one-word verbs. Conveying tons of emotion in that one word. Most civilians will completely disregard said a word and make light of it, not really knowing the psychological damage that they are doing to the Veteran.

In the United States military (I can assume it is the same in other militaries around the world) soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines are taught to live by a code. And I am not referring to the line in “A Few Good Men” where we are having a “Code Red;” however we are taught to have a moral code that requires us to be better, faster, more agile, and to not be sick. Combat arms are more susceptible to be labeled a “shit bag” or a “malingerer” if they go to the Troop Medical Clinic for anything, even if it is a hand that is quite visibly broken.  So when it is all said and done we have a broken individual that cannot think for themselves without doses of reality coming into plain view. (Not able to think for themselves is gross over-generalization.)

We are taught to handle our business in the prescribed manner of what has been taught to us and often chided for doing things differently, even if it is more efficient. “There are smarter people than us researching the best way to do this…” Was literally something I often heard; even though, new methods have been discovered and are found to be more efficient. We are not to ask questions, but merely follow orders. So therefore today we now have thousands upon thousands of Veterans that have to relearn how to do things because of efficiency, while they are correct in doing what they are doing, they are not able to be efficient.

We all want to hire a Veteran or help a Veteran, but the truth of the matter is that we expect a lot from them right out of the military, and rightfully so, they are generally competent, but they are often toxic and one of two things needs to happen: 1) Teach the Veteran how to handle the civilian world, or 2) Teach the Civilian world how to handle the Veterans to help them learn better. is developing a better reintegration into society program that will be ideal for both businesses and the actual Veteran. Please consider supporting us on our Donate page.

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