Minutes: 17 April 2021

Saturday, April 17th, 2021 The business meeting was held at the Golden Egg Restaurant, 305 N Nappanee St, Elkhart. Social distancing was maintained due to the ongoing Corona Virus threat. […]
April 17, 2021

Saturday, April 17th, 2021

The business meeting was held at the Golden Egg Restaurant, 305 N Nappanee St, Elkhart. Social distancing was maintained due to the ongoing Corona Virus threat. The meeting started at 10:30 AM and the meeting was opened in due form by President K Holmes.

President K Holmes gave the opening prayer.

President K Holmes declared the business session open.  

  1. Roll call of Officers: Completed by Secretary Jeff Schrock.
  2. Reading of Membership Applications: None
  3. Reading of the minutes: Secretary J Schrock read (emailed) the minutes from the last meeting, and asked if there were any corrections or amendments. Seeing none E Dir E Holmes made a motion to accept the minutes as read. President Holmes seconded the motion and the motion passed.
  4. Treasurers Report: H/R Dir J Schrock made a motion to postpone the Treasurer’s report, as he was unable to get off work today at the Fire Dept. E Dir S Holmes seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
  5. Bills: President K Holmes reported that there were no bills since our last meeting. H/R Dir J Schrock made a motion to accept the report. E Dir S Holmes seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

Unfinished Business: E Dir S Holmes brought up the fundraiser/benefit Dinner. The date was set to be Saturday, June 5th 2021. The topics discussed were: 1) The MC would be Scott McKeekan, and would periodically: thank High Gravity for their support; push the Merch table(s); FS Martial Arts Program; Raffle’s; 50/50 drawings; itinerary of the dinner; give a shout-out to Chad & his wife, who’s anniversary it is; keep the evening light and fun. 2) High Gravity said that they would take over the light dinner music, and play acoustic versions. This was due to Julia James having to cancel. 3) H/R Dir J Schrock reported that Ana is still working on prize donations. She has gotten some feedback agreeing to donate items, but doesn’t have anything “in-hand” yet. 4) President K Holmes reported that tickets are on sale now, and the flyers have come in. However, in previous emails w/the BoD; Julia James is advertised on the flyers. She is now not going to be there. It was decided to keep the flyers as they are, and post them. If anybody asked about the discrepancy, her cancelation at the last minute would easily be explained. The flyers had been ordered and received, and there was not enough time to re-order and get them in time to re-post. 5) Chad McKeekan is one of our benefit students and it was thought he could speak at the dinner. Last year he paid for a ticket and donated his seat at the fundraising dinner. He said he was thinking of buying a table this year. 6) President K Holmes reminded the BoD that we need to push the ticket sales and post the flyers that were handed out. We also need to push the event on each of our FB pages. 7) President K Holmes mentioned PSA’s for the event. A lengthy discussion ensued and it was decided to check into doing some radio PSA’s. If needed, a budget was approved of $250 and going up to $500 if needed. He added that Casey is on the ride-home time frame and hoped he could promote the event for us as a PSA. Also, Get-Wet-For-A-Vet is also going to be doing some advertising for our event, as well as be there too. 8) E Dir S Holmes said she needed to get an invoice out in the near future as a follow-up letter. 9) Grossnickle Foundation sent our check to the old P.O. Box. It has since been retrieved and will be sent to the new address shortly. There is also another check, (both for $1,000), that is pending at this point. Once we hold the event, that check will be mailed too. This was due to the forced cancelation from last year’s event – due to the worldwide Covid pandemic. 10) A discussion was brought up about a new P.O. Box. It was decided not to get a new one, as the cost out-weighted the incoming mail. 11) H/R Dir J Schrock was asked about the food for the event. He explained that he had been trying to get with Tony Alberry about the menu. Due to Tony’s schedule, it hasn’t been accomplished yet, as he is out of the state on vacation. Once back, next week, they had set up a meeting to nail this down. It was suggested that if this year’s meat selection could be Chicken & Steak, and not Chicken & Pork Chops. It was decided that if the price was only a couple dollars more, to go w/the Chicken and Steak. 12) The evening’s FS drink was discussed. It was decided to be Mojito’s. 13) Glasses & other merch was discussed. It was decided to five (5) sets of service shot glasses (in bundles/sets). There would also be individual glasses for sale. As far as shirts, glasses, etc was concerned; order forms would be present so the customer could order and pay at that time. Their merchandise could then be mailed to them. Military shirts could also be bundled/sold as a set. Buy three (3) and get a forth (4th) free! 14) E Dir S Holmes is going to send Cheryl some items and coordinate w/her for the fundraising dinner. 15) FS Highball Glasses were discussed also. The sale of the inventory and anything left over could be donated to the VFW for their use. It would be great advertising for us. Jerri Stutzman, the VFW Club Manager, said that she would use them but couldn’t guarantee they wouldn’t be stolen. 16) E Dir S Holms brought up the FS gift/raffle basket. Items that would be included in it.

New Business: No Report(s)

Good of the Order: No Report(s)

Next Meeting: 22 May, 3 PM, at the Goshen VFW.

President J Holmes asked if there was any further business. Seeing none, H/R Dir J Schrock made a motion to adjourn the meeting and E Dir S Holmes seconded the motion. The motion passed.

President K Holmes gave the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned.

J Schrock


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