Minutes: 20 March 2021

Saturday, March 20th, 2021 The business meeting was held at the Goshen VFW Post – 985, 1201 W. Pike St, Goshen Ind. Social distancing was maintained due to the ongoing […]
March 20, 2021

Saturday, March 20th, 2021

The business meeting was held at the Goshen VFW Post – 985, 1201 W. Pike St, Goshen Ind. Social distancing was maintained due to the ongoing Corona Virus threat. The meeting started at 3:00 PM and the meeting was opened in due form by President K Holmes.

President K Holmes gave the opening prayer.

President K Holmes declared the business session open.  

  1. Roll call of Officers: Completed by Secretary Jeff Schrock.
  2. Reading of Membership Applications: None
  3. Reading of the minutes: Secretary J Schrock read (emailed) the minutes from the last meeting, and asked if there were any corrections or amendments. Seeing none Media Coordinator L Zeugner made a motion to accept the minutes as read. E Dir S Holmes seconded the motion and the motion passed.
  4. Treasurers Report: H/R Dir J Schrock made a motion to postpone the Treasurers report, as he was unable to get off work today at the Fire Dept. E Dir S Holmes seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
  5. Bills: President K Holmes reported that there were no bills since our last meeting. H/R Dir J Schrock made a motion to accept the report. E Dir S Holmes seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

Unfinished Business: E Dir S Holmes brought up the fundraiser/benefit Dinner. The date was set to be Saturday, June 5th 2021. The topics discussed were: 1) Having a FS drink was brought up again. It was suggested H/R Dir J Schrock and President K Holmes sit down and hammer something out some evening. It should be more than a shot, but less than an on-the-rocks glass. It would also be free, while supplies last. 2) A raffle for the first hour-happy hour, would be something fairly big and could only be won by someone buying tickets in that first hour. 3) Ticket(s) were discussed and the end thought was to sell to capacity – pending covid at the time. Capacity for the banquet room is 162 total; but this doesn’t take into account having the portable bar set up, as well as the band(s) and a small dancing area. 4) It was decided that we need to announce at the beginning, that we are being “covid friendly” and suggest attendee’s wear a mask. 5) President K Holmes announced that High Gravity accepted our invitation, and decided to donate their services for free! They did ask for a meal and a couple drinks – this was going to be done anyways and the BoD loved the idea of them donating their services again. Julia James and Chaplain Bontrager will also receive food and drinks on the BoD. 6) E Dir S Holmes brought up tickets, sales of tickets and donations. She passed around an example of a donation letter for approval. Everything looked great. 7) Raffles were brought up; E Dir S Holmes has a listing. 8) Sponsorship letters were brought up, what do we want to do. Send a second letter or call each sponsor contacted previously. It was decided to send a second letter. 9) President K Holmes brought up the flyers for approval. A couple suggestions were made and then the number to be ordered was brought up. It was decided to order: 100 of the 8×10; 200+ of the 4×6; and depending on price, around 25 or 100 of the 11×17. Prices were quoted per/100, but the BoD didn’t believe we needed 100 of the 11×17. Posting the flyers at various organizations was discussed, as well as the 4×6 flyers being left on every table at the VFW; where the fundraiser is being hosted. 10) The program being of a high quality as well as a photo being on the back, suitable for framing. Every plate/place at the fundraiser will have one, as well as a few extra. 11) E Dir S Holmes asked about the itinerary as well as the 50/50 raffles. It was decided that the first 50/50 would be advertised for the bike program; and the second raffle would be advertised for the Martial Arts program. 12) The discussion then turned to a military “Grog Bowl”, “Jungle Juice” or “Trashcan Punch”. This is something familiar to all G.I.’s and would help focus the attendees on being part of a long military tradition. It was brought up that we need to let the Canteen Manager (Jerri) know what ingredients to purchase, as no outside alcohol can be brought into the VFW Post. 13) E Dir S Holmes then announced to the BoD that both the Goshen and Elkhart Hacienda restaurants are willing to do a fundraising night. FS can give out coupons for a specific night, where proceeds will be donated back to FS. The coupons, however, cannot be handed out at the restaurant that night – they must be brought in by paying customers. 14) It appears that most if not all, action items are accomplished at this point in time. There are some that are pending, but they cannot be done until the fundraising dinner draws closer.

New Business: No Report(s)

Good of the Order: 1) At the beginning of the meeting, President K Holmes introduced Jim Metherd, President of “Get Wet for a Vet” in Osceola. Jim explained the program of Get Wet for a Vet to the BoD. Essentially it started in the early 2000’s with an idea of how to help local veterans. It then unfolded into a several county wide assistance program for vets. The money is mostly collected at a one-day event, where local celebrities and politicians (as well as Jim) sit in a dunk tank. Numerous other fundraising items are also done that day. Jim’s idea of a veteran mini-village is now coming into focus. Over the last several years, land has been purchased by a local businessman and donated to the cause. The Elkhart Area Career Center has submitted several ideas on a one-room cottage style villa for vets to live in. It is basically a one-room home, other than a fixed bathroom. Encompassing around 700 sq foot, not to include a front porch/deck in the sq footage. A lot of materials have been donated, along w/materials being sold at roughly half-price in order to build the homes. They will be a single-vet home, but future possibilities are that a small vet family could be placed in slightly larger homes. The plans for the Troop Town continued, but due to space are not all typed out here. Jim only asked for FS’s help in getting the word out and/or awareness for the program. FS BoD agreed this was something we wanted to get behind and invited Jim and Get Wet for a Vet to come to our fundraising dinner in June. A small merch table would be set up, and manned by their personnel. An artist’s rendering (picture) of Troop Town was suggested to be posted at their merch table. Another action item would be paving bricks. Jim explained that he got a quote from a place in Florida that would sell, imprint logo’s and/or 3-lines of printing and ship them for much less than he could get locally. He went into detail on how he approached the local brick company, and they would not reduce their prices. The individual bricks were several dollars less (per brick) than the local company – including after shipping. 4×8 bricks could have 3-lines of printing, 16-characters each line, or a logo and were being sold for $100 each. The 8×8 version was slightly more (being sold for). It is estimated that somewhere around 9,000 bricks would be needed in total (not all of them would have imprinting).

Next Meeting: 17 April, 3 PM, at the Goshen VFW.

President J Holmes asked if there was any further business. Seeing none, H/R Dir J Schrock made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Media Coordinator L Zeugner seconded the motion. The motion passed.

President K Holmes gave the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned.

J Schrock, Secretary

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